This programme is designed to meet the further offshore safety and emergency response training requirements for personnel working in the offshore oil and gas industry in a tropical environment


The aim of the T-FOET with CAEBS and Further Travel Safely by Boat is to provide the learners with the opportunity to practise and demonstrate emergency response skills which are not possible to practise during drills, exercises and emergency training offshore and the additional Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) training is to complement initial and further offshore safety and emergency response training and assessment for personnel travelling to an offshore oil and gas installation by helicopter (in a warm water tropical environment) when issued with a Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)

The objectives of the T-FOET with CA-EBS and Further Travel Safely by Boat are that learners will be able to:

(a)   Demonstrate, in a simulated environment, that they can use the safety equipment and follow procedures in preparing for and during helicopter emergencies – with particular focus on escaping from a helicopter following ditching.

(b)   Ensure learners are familiar with the use of the Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)

(c)    Ensure that learners understand their basic emergency response actions during a helicopter emergency using the CA-EBS 

(d)   Demonstrate that they can use basic firefighting equipment effectively, and use self-rescue techniques in low visibility and completely obscured visibility situations e.g. smoke filled areas.

(e)   Demonstrate that they can perform basic first aid.


The Learner’s learning outcomes for each module are set out below:

MODULE 5 : Helicopter Safety and Escape with CA-EBS

To successfully complete this module, learners must be able to demonstrate:

· Donning of an aviation lifejacket, compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS) equipment and conducting integrity checks of the CA-EBS equipment, including buddy checks

· Deploying (left and right hand) and breathing from CA-EBS equipment at atmospheric pressure in dry conditions

· Following instruction from the crew, location of CA-EBS equipment and evacuation from a helicopter using a nominated exit, following a controlled emergency descent to a dry landing (conducted in helicopter simulator at poolside on dry land)

· Actions to be taken in preparing for an in-water ditching including location of exit, deploying and breathing from CA-EBS equipment at atmospheric pressure in dry conditions (conducted in helicopter simulator at poolside on dry land)

· Deploying CA-EBS (above the water surface) and breathing from the CA-EBS in a pool, face down in shallow water (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

· Deploying CA-EBS (below the water surface, face down in a pool in shallow water) and clearing the mouthpiece by exhaling under the water surface (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

· Deploying CA-EBS (below the water surface, face down in a pool in shallow water, using opposite hand to previous exercise) and clearing with purge button under the water surface (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

· Deploying CA-EBS (above water surface), in a pool and breathing from CA-EBS underwater in a vertical position (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

· Deploying CA-EBS (underwater), in a pool and breathing from CA-EBS underwater in a vertical position (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

· Deploying CA-EBS (underwater), in a pool, breathing from CA-EBS underwater, and moving along a horizontal rail for a period of no less than 30 seconds, including a change in direction (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

· Actions to take in preparing for a helicopter ditching/emergency landing.

· Actions following a controlled ditching on water (including the operation of a push-out window on instruction from aircrew) and evacuate through a nominated exit to an aviation life raft.

· Assist others where possible in carrying out initial actions on boarding the aviation life raft, to include mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy and raft maintenance.

· Escape through a window opening which is underwater from a partially submerged helicopter (without operation of a push out window).

· Escape through a window opening which is underwater from a partially submerged helicopter (including the operation of a push out window).

· Escape through a window opening which is underwater from a capsized helicopter (including the operation of a push-out window)

· Following escape from the helicopter (HUET), inflate lifejacket, deploy spray visor and carry out in-water procedures, to include swimming, getting into Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP), towing, chain, huddle and circle.

· Boarding an aviation life raft from the water.

· Being rescued by one of the recognised methods available offshore and survivor actions following rescue.



MODULE 6 : Firefighting and Self Rescue

To successfully complete this module, learners must be able to demonstrate:

· Correct use of appropriate hand held portable fire extinguishers and which ones to use for different classes of fires.

· Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where learner visibility is reduced.

· Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where learner visibility is completely obscured

· Small group escape techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where learner visibility is completely obscured

MODULE 7: Emergency First Aid

To successfully complete this module, learners must be able to demonstrate:

· Raising the alarm

· *Immediate first aid actions, to include industry recognised first aid practice**

*Immediate first aid actions - putting casualty in the recovery position: learners must get instruction and demonstration only from instructors on putting a casualty into the recovery position but do not need to demonstrate this.

** Industry recognised first aid practice – this may vary depending on first aid practice guidelines adopted in different countries/regions. 


Upcoming Class
11 seats available

Duration: 1 Day
Validity: 4 years
Pre-requisites: Holding a valid BOSIET / T-BOSIET / FOET / T-FOET training certificate
Location: Megamas Training Company (Kuala Belait)
Approval/ Accreditation: OPITO Approved


Note: Please contact us if the dates that you require are not listed / available.