The Target group is for personnel whom need to become a Fire Watcher or Fire Watchmen.

To introduce the candidates to the roles and responsibilities of a fire watch, to generate an understanding of the hazards involved in hot work and the potential ignition sources and to establish and understanding on how to deal with an emergency situation should a fire occur.


• The definition of fire watcher. 

• The basic responsibilities of a fire and safety watch.

• Introduction to hot work.

• Prevention of fire.

• Spread of fire.

• Method of extinction.

• Consequence of fire.

• Sources of ignition.

• Fire risk assessment.

On the completion of the course the participants will be able to: 

• Understand the duties of a fire watch.

• Understand Fire hazards. 

• Controls when working with Hot work.

• Use of risk assessment.

To successfully complete this training delegates must able to demonstrate:  

• Responding to an alarm.

• Correct use of handheld portable fire extinguishers including fire hose and fire blanket. 


Duration: 1
Validity: 3 years
Location: Megamas Training Company (Kuala Belait or Kiulap)
Approval/ Accreditation: Megamas Training Company Sdn Bhd and Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd Accepted


Note: Please contact us if the dates that you require are not listed / available.