This training programme is designed to meet the initial offshore safety and emergency response training requirements for personnel new (or returning) to the offshore oil and gas industry in a tropical environment.


The aims of the T-BOSIET is to introduce learners to the specific safety issues and regimes relevant to offshore installations, and to equip them with the basic emergency response knowledge and skills for travelling to and from offshore installations by helicopter or boat in a tropical environment.

The objectives of the T-BOSIET Training are that learners will be able to:

(a) Identify the generic hazards which are specific to offshore oil and gas installations, potential risks associated with those hazards, and how controls are put in place to eliminate or reduce risks.

(b) Identify key offshore related safety regulations and explain the basic safety management concepts.

(c) Demonstrate, in a simulated environment, that they can use the safety equipment, and follow procedures in preparing for, and during helicopter emergencies – with particular focus on escaping from a helicopter following ditching.

(d) Demonstrate sea survival and first aid techniques.

(e) Demonstrate that they can effectively use basic firefighting equipment, and practice self-rescue techniques in low visibility situations, to include smoke filled areas


The training course consists of the following modules and elements:


To successfully complete this module, learners must be able to:

·        Identify the main offshore hazards and hazard effects/consequences; explain their associated risks, and how they are controlled.

·        Explain the potential environmental impact of offshore installation operations.

·        Identify key offshore installation safety regulations and explain the basic concept of these regulations.

·        Explain the principles of managing safety on offshore installations.

·        State the procedure for prescribed medicines offshore.

·        Explain the concept of alcohol and substance abuse policy.

·        Explain PPE requirements of working on an offshore installation.

·        Explain how to report incidents, accidents and near misses on an offshore installation.

·        Explain the role of the Offshore Medic.


To successfully complete this module, learners must be able to demonstrate:

·        Donning an aviation lifejacket.

·        Actions to take in preparation for a helicopter ditching and an emergency landing.

·        Actions following a controlled emergency descent to a dry landing with evacuation via a nominated exit.

·        Actions following a controlled ditching on water (including operation of a push out window on instruction from aircrew) and evacuate through a nominated exit to an aviation life raft.

·        Assist others where possible in carrying out initial actions on boarding the aviation life raft, to include mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy and raft maintenance.

·        Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (without operation of a push out window).

·        Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (including the operation of a push out window).

·        Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (without operation of a push out window).

·        Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (including the operation of a push out window)

·        Inflating an aviation lifejacket and deploying a spray visor in water

·        Boarding an aviation life raft from water.


To successfully complete this module, learners must be able to demonstrate:

·        Donning of a permanent buoyancy lifejacket prior to use in an emergency.

·        The correct actions when mustering and boarding a survival craft (TEMPSC) as a passenger during launching operations.

·        Fitting of a helicopter rescue device and correct body posture during winching.

·        Water entry (stepping off poolside, maximum height 1 meter) and the precautions to be taken when entering the water

·        Individual and group sea survival techniques, to include: swimming, getting into Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP), wave-slap protection, towing, chain, huddle and circle.

·        Boarding a marine life raft from the water.

·        *Immediate first aid actions, including checking airways, breathing and industry recognised first aid practice**

*Immediate first aid actions - putting casualty in the recovery position: learners must get instruction and demonstration only from instructors on putting a casualty into the recovery position but do not need to demonstrate this.

** Industry recognised first aid practice – this may vary depending on first aid practice guidelines adopted in different countries/regions.


To successfully complete this module, learners must be able to demonstrate:

·        Correct use of hand held portable fire extinguishers and which ones to use for different classes of fires.

·        Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where learner visibility is reduced.

·        Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where learner visibility is completely obscured.

·        Small group escape techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where learner visibility is completely obscured.


Duration: 2 Days
Validity: 4 years
Pre-requisites: Valid Offshore certificate as per OGUK/ company approved medical examiners
Location: Megamas Training Company (Kuala Belait)
Approval/ Accreditation: OPITO


Note: Please contact us if the dates that you require are not listed / available.